Calm Mind Project


Get more from life.

Calm the busy mind.

Become happier within.

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Ever heard yourself say:

“I know I need to slow down but mindfulness is just not my thing".

“I get more stuff done this way anyway, I don’t need that.”

“My mind is so busy and I suck at sitting still. I just can’t.”

"I’d do it but I get bored or fall asleep."

"I should totally start meditation to help with stress (but don’t)”

"I don’t have time."

Yes? Perrrfect, welcome. You are exactly where you need to be. This 5 week program is designed for busy everyday people who know they need something like this, but find it difficult to stop or slow down and get impatient with themselves.


This program was designed for those who have things to do, a busy mind to master and a life in which they want to increase calm, focus and happiness in their world.

Imagine better relationships, more emotional empowerment, greater focus and inspiration, increased self control and reduced stress, anxiety, depression or broken sleep?

What about being able to pause and actually feel contentment and joy instead of having to do the next thing all the time? And gosh, wouldn’t it be a breeze to actually feel like what you’re doing and who you are is enough, just through mastering your mind? It’s possible and it only takes a few minutes a day of training the greatest tool we have. The mind.

This program is a combination of educational lessons, short and simple meditations and effective techniques that take only minutes, will be delivered in audio format, five days a week for five weeks.

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“The Calm Mind Program for Everyday People is hands down THE BEST investment I have EVER made.

The tools that I am implementing into my daily life have taught me how to get out of my own head and calm my busy mind which ultimately allows me to actually be present with myself and my life as opposed to constantly being busy "doing" life.

The program has changed my life - my relationship is connecting on a deeper level and those around me have noticed a 'glow' about me. What's changed? I have a calm mind, and learnt how to actually breathe properly! Yes it makes a difference! This program is the best gift you can give to yourself.”


What is Calm Mind Program For Everyday People?


The style of how the information is taught means that you’ll understand what is happening and thus be both inspired to do it and empowered by it. No more forcing.

How is it delivered?

Online through downloadable audio recordings and PDF’s in an easily accessible Calm Mind membership area.

A five week program delivered with daily lessons, meditations and techniques that will yield life long results.

It’s been developed by Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP) Amber Hawken, Founder of Calm Mind Project, and offers a clean structure but flexible framework.

The pre and program activities are designed for people who tend to throw in the towel and get too busy to keep going. We want to ensure this practice sticks and we’ve made it specifically to address this.

We know all the tricks of a busy mind and we have designed this to address it all.


You deserve happiness and success and you deserve to be able to do this without feeling stressed, anxious and unable to pause and enjoy life.

As human beings with imperfections, fears and failures, we deserve, at the very least, to be able to cultivate an inner resilience and happiness through the skills of meditation and mindfulness.

Look, there is a deeper level of contentment you know exists if you can learn to get that monkey mind under control and become better equipped to deal with emotions.

Perhaps it’s as simple as being able to organise your life better, follow through with your goals, be more connecting with your partner, trust your own judgment, take downtime without guilt, not take your stress out on your loved ones or be free of daily anxiety. It might be bigger than that. Maybe learning how to manage PTSD, anxiety or depression. This program can help with it all.

You live once, and it’s the little moments that one day you’ll realise become a fast-paced blur that was meant to be your life.

Inner calm and self-control are immensely powerful. Learning how to master the mind and cultivate self-control both emotionally and mentally is key to creating the life you deserve.

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What we will teach you:

  • How to focus your attention, even if your mind is busy and you are a go-go-go person.

  • How to breathe properly to support the calming of your nervous system, digestion, hormones, emotions and mind.

  • How to use your sense perceptions to build body awareness, mind-body connection, emotional intelligence, self trust and intuition.

  • How to cultivate emotional awareness and resilience, and release built up emotional debris to support mental strengthening, increased physical immunity and strengthen your sense of confidence.

  • How to release negative thinking, busyness, a scattered mind and cultivate a deep sense of connection with life, self and the world around you.

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What results you can expect:

Without giving you a bunch of airy fairy words, you will feel more “chill”.

Due to your increased ability to perceive the world differently, you will find yourself able to not just cope better with life but shift into a mindset that’s in general, more light, positive and empowered. This is the gold that is a life with these practices. Your old neural wiring that used to drive stressful emotions and reactive behaviour begins to dissolve away, replaced by a focused mind, calmer emotions and more conscious actions.


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You can expect some serious reduction in:

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Negative spirals

  • Sleepless or restless nights

  • Depression

  • Overwhelm

  • Physical sickness

  • Emotional suppression

  • Feeling lonely

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And expect an increase in:

  • Self control

  • Positive mentality

  • Inner calm and happiness

  • Physical energy

  • Confidence and self esteem

  • Feelings of connection and joy

  • Sense of happiness and calm


Happiness is not something we create, it is something we have to allow. 90% or perhaps 100% of our emotional pain, suffering and stress comes from our inability to allow life to be exactly the way it is.


Mindfulness activities are designed to guide us towards becoming a more mindful human being, one who can focus and pay attention and follow through with their intentions and goals.

A person who can feel intense emotions rise, and rather than react and project, they reflect and respond responsibly.


The 5 Modules

Each module contains one longer introductory audio lesson plus four 5-10 minute meditations or guided techniques to help you nail this lifelong skill in a fun and simple way. After practicing meditation and becoming more mindful in your day to day, you begin to become a little more detached, and a little more real, a little more you – the you you were born to be, not the you that you think you are.



2. The Power of Breath

1. Master Your Mental Focus and Attention


4. Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

3. Body Awareness and Sense Perception


5. Thought Mastery, Compassion and Gratitude


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- Module themed weekly inspirational phone wallpapers

- Extra meditations normally valued at $149 for the bundle

  • An Empowered Mind

  • Overcoming Anxiety

  • Coming Out of A Slump

  • Increasing Energy

  • Stress Reduction

  • Overcoming Fear

  • Filling Up With Love


We make it simple, fun and effective.

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Select Your Program


The Calm Mind Program For Everyday People: $77

  • 5 x modules over 5 weeks (access to all the content is made available within 48 hours of purchase, as well as weekly emails over the first 5 weeks)

  • Lifetime access to content

  • 7 bonus meditations

  • Weekly anchoring wallpapers for each module

The Calm Mind Program For Everyday People PLUS: $997

The Calm Mind Program PLUS:

  • 2 x Sessions with our founder, Amber Hawken.

  • A month of unlimited email support from Amber.

ONLY 3 AVAILABLE due to Amber’s limited availability for private clients. She’s been working with adults for almost a decade to help remove blocks and accelerate in their lives on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Once you purchase this program, our team will contact you within 48 hours to book in your sessions with Amber. This option is for people who want to accelerate to the next level.


We want to become happier and healthier and more fulfilled and we want to become better people. Well, mindfulness allows us to be calm and not self critical; accepting, not judging.  

It’s not about running from, ignoring or suppressing emotions; it’s allowing us to not be overwhelmed by our emotions, accepting them as they come and go. It’s not about controlling our thoughts, but rather thoughts not controlling us.

Mindfulness activities are designed to guide you towards becoming a more mindful human being, one who can focus and pay attention and follow through with their intentions and goals. A person who can feel intense emotions rise, and rather than react and project, they reflect and respond responsibly.

So, yeah, it’s the bee's knees, the humdinger and bomb diggity.



Mindfulness is where it’s at. We're excited and honoured to begin spreading it to the leaders of who we hope to be, the most whole beings our world has ever seen.

