A note from our founder, Amber Hawken.



After a decade of working my way through a variety of areas of wellness and psychotherapy, I (amongst many other incredible beings doing similar projects in this world), realised our society is in dire need of the basics of mental and emotional resilience and practical spiritual self awareness. I simply concluded that if we get the basics as kids, we might be less likely trying to fight and just, ‘cope’ as adults.

That’s how CMP was born, and along with an ever growing gang of mindful practitioners, we are taking it to the world, one beautiful mind at a time.

We get it; life can be tough and awesome in equal proportions. Through understanding ourselves on a deeper level than Instagram stories and self help books promising ‘all the answers’, we can learn to balance our daily human adventures with less friction, with less time feeling ‘lost’, ‘stuck’ or downright disempowered and more time appreciating the good in life, (light and dark) and the great (and not so great) in ourselves and others all the same.

Mindfulness, meditation and movement is an inside job. It starts with you and it starts small - cultivating inner resilience, trust in ourselves and our intuition to create a happier way of living. Spoiler Alert: Mindfulness, meditation and movement don’t change what’s happening around you, they change what’s going on inside of you.

It’s our reaction to stuff that changes. Our experience and perception of life shifts, which has a ripple effect on our emotions, drivers, habits and actions. It starts with the small stuff. And the small stuff makes up the big stuff; which is what we call ‘life’.