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"My daughter attended the program yesterday at Biloela High and came home absolutely pumped about it. She said your voice alone was just incredibly calming. THANK YOU!"

Sharon Chalk, Parent

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“Though my time working with Amber I have been awaked to new heights a life and been able to pass empowering skills set to my 13 year old daughter. We have grown exponentially and my daughter sees how different life can be and each day I can see changes in us both. Parenting is hard - no doubt about it. With the presence of Amber, my relationship with my daughter and our lives are in a whole new space and I love that. I’m thrilled that Ambers teachings are spreading into schools through Calm Mind Project.”

Linda Hiscox, Private client and mother to a 13 year old girl

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“As a parent and the founder of NUU Youth Programs (empowering children to prepare for the workforce), I have seen Amber in Action. As our head female Ambassador, Amber has been a facilitator and presenter at our events. I have found Amber to be an outstanding leader, presenter, teacher and guide for students, including my own children. The way Amber operates is calm, clear, precise, patience and she deliver her message in a way that students can understand. She is engaging in her teachings and workshop activities. The children have a lot of fun and she has the ability to draw out information and wisdom from the children in a way I have never seen before. They get to the answers they need themselves because of the design of her activities and her focus on empowerment as opposed to sit and teach and they just listen. Calm Mind Project is an incredible program for children of all ages and learning abilities.”

Kelly Kingston, One Purse One Planet

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“As a parent myself, It was incredible to see how engaged and responsive each child was.”

Nancy Chellingsworth, Parent at CMP event

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“As a mother of two young girls, it can be challenging to lead and guide them in a world with so many competing interests. Under Amber's guidance and coaching I have had the pleasure to grow and flourish and this has transcended down onto my girls who I know will become strong confident and self assured women. I have experienced her abilities to connect with children of all ages through her fun charm and accessible wisdom. She leaves a trail of inspiration wherever she goes, and no school should go without the Calm Mind Project.”

Jill Headlam, Private client and mother to two young girls

"All 3 of my girls (ages 5, 17, 17) completed this with you in Biloela and have not stopped talking about it. Having two teenagers in the house never has much conversation. I can honestly say that you have made an impact on their way of thinking about things and giving them coping techniques that I think will be with them for a long time to come. Thank you so very much for bringing your project to us."

Brae Lee, Parent

"I asked my son Miles, 'How was Calm Mind today?' He said (with actions) 'Calm mind, happy heart'."

Kate Burgess, Parent


“We had Amber work with our cohort of Year 9 girls and boys. Each group was approximately 40 students yet she was able to connect and engage with all of them in such a short time. She was amazing, delivering her message in a fun and interesting way and one which resonated with all the students.

Amber was also able to actively involve the students and get them to share information, even from those who are usually reluctant to be actively involved. The students found her zest for life inspiring and appreciated her real interest and concern for them as people. .

She really had an impact on our Year 9s , helping them to look at themselves, providing them with many coping techniques and much to reflect upon.”

Lyn Johnston, Careers advisor at the friends’ school, tasmania

“As a teacher working with Amber I have become more calm and have renewed mental clarity which reduces the stress that happens in everyone's lives. I've also reclaimed my passion for teaching which has improved my connection with my students. I feel re energized and more emotionally resilient which allows me to get far more tasks done in the same time as before, due to being more centred and focused. Amber's skills are excellent for students of all ages because she differentiates her techniques according to ability and readiness to understand all concepts. I am a strong advocate for the Calm Mind project and the work Amber does.”

Saraya Kirby, Client and School Teacher

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"Thank you so much to Amber Hawken for coming to our wonderful town of Biloela to teach the teachers about pausing, observing and accepting to become more emotionally fulfilled and resilient human beings.

In a fast-moving and hectic world, we need these wonderful skills to guide our students to develop what they need to become more in-tune with their emotions and well-being. The Calm Mind Project has wonderful potentially - and Biloela is just the beginning!

You have done a wonderful job at sharing some great techniques I can use the next time I step in front of my cherubs. I can't wait to guide them in developing skills in building mental and emotional resilience, self-awareness and positive inspiration for life. THANK YOU for helping ME help THEM."

Alex Klease, Teacher

“I am a teacher of 16 years and have recently be fortunate enough to work with Amber Hawken privately. Our work has in short encapsulated mindfulness, personal growth and empowerment and self development. I highly recommend the experience due to Amber's professionalism and personable approach. Amber has offered cutting edge research, strategies and support to assist me in calming my mind and in supporting my wellbeing. I teach many students who would benefit from building their social and emotional competence in order to function well at both home and at school. I can see the value in Amber's teachings and how easily adaptable this program would be for all ages. Amber has a wealth of experience with children from the early childhood years, primary school age right through to adolescence. She adapts her teachings to ensure each individual's needs are catered for. Amber connects with her clients to ensure that she identifies their emotions, interests and strengths and works with them to maintain calm and a well grounded sense of self confidence.”

Julie Goldie, Client and School Teacher


"She was very pretty, and smart she was very easy to talk and explained everything clearly the best thing was she did not raise her voice like all the other teachers that have taught me!”

Mikayla Mead, aged 14

"Amber wasn’t a total loser. I learnt that shouldn’t just do a job because it gives me money. The questions were hard because it’s stuff I didn’t think mattered before, but it made sense. We got to teach her back as well, I liked that she listened and laughed with us."

Jack O’Brien, aged 15

"Amber wasn’t boring, I actually had fun because she wasn’t too strict. Usually I hate things like that because I find it hard to focus and I don't like school because I am always in troublele, but I didn't feel any pressure. Amber sat with us and she was super cool, like chilled out and nice as. She asked me a lot of questions I had just never asked myself before about things I love and for a while I totally forgot we were doing school work. I felt like she really cared and even though I was nervous and found it hard to answer a lot of the time, she was patient with me. I didn’t even want to go, but my parents made me. It was cool. I realised I am good at some stuff and maybe I won’t fail and someone will give me a job in the things I like."

Allan Kurtis, aged 12

"Amber is my best friend now."

Charlie Headlam, aged 3 and a half

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"I am taking time out of each day to check in with myself through drawing or listening to music. I have encouraged my human that looking after ourselves first with kindness and love means that when we receive anything from outside it is a bonus (extra love or validation) or not required (negativity).”

Imogen Hiscox, aged 13

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"Dear Miss Amber,
When we came to visit you in Biloela, we learnt lots of things. Some of the new things we learnt were:

Calm Mind, Happy Heart

Try and get all the sadness out by Buddha belly breath and sending it love and colour

Send some kindness to mum and dad

When you’re feeling angry you stop and say you’re angry and do the whoosh part

Rubbed our hands together, slow down, covered our eyes

Big Belly breathing – out and in

We had lots of fun."

From the Year 1 Class at Thangool State School.

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"Dear Miss Amber,
Thank you for teaching us how to calm down.
Thank you for relaxing our muscles.
Thank you for teaching us how to do big belly breathing, calm mind and happy heart.
Thank you for the sparkles to get rid of our sadness and help us to say bye bye.
Thank you for helping us with our anger. We stomped our feet and said I feel angry and then whooshed like a waterfall. We did that to get rid of the anger.
We gave out love and kindness because it’s a gift that makes other people happy.
Thank you for teaching us how to dance with our shoulders."

From Grade 2 at Thangool State School and Mrs Beckmann.

Friends of CMP


“As a coach, mother and someone who has had anxiety rule my life, I can’t speak highly enough of the benefits of a calm mind. Mindfulness, meditation and personal development have absolutely transformed my world. I truly believe that EVERYONE will benefit from learning the simple and life changing tools that Amber has to share.
She puts her heart, soul, mind, body and ZEST for life into EVERYTHING she creates. She connects with adults and children by meeting them where they are at and showing up in a way that is going to serve them in the best way for them!
It no longer needs to feel like hard work, ‘woo woo’ or silly to experience the benefits that come along with a calm mind. It simply means we get to ENJOY life more!! Amber is the perfect person to create an event like Calm Mind Festival as I know it will be a day that has something for everyone. I can’t wait!”

Jess Williams - Intuitive Coach and NLP PractiTioner


“As an expert in behaviour change, I understand and appreciate the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness in cultivating a fulfilled and meaningful life. It's a big deal, and daily rituals such as meditation are crucial components. Getting kids involved in these habits early and often strikes me as a pragmatic and positive investment in their futures, but in Australia's as well. I know Amber well, and her work is the real deal. I'm excited for the upcoming festival, and even more excited for the future we are all creating together.”

Dr. Jeremy Goldberg


“We hired Amber to facilitate at a corporate influencers retreat we ran. Not only was she an absolute pleasure to work with in the lead up to the event, the content she delivered was game changing.

We had a diverse mix of men and women from all different backgrounds and professions, and she was able to connect authentically to them and deliver a session that really opened them up to a new way of thinking.

All of my participants were raving about how much they could relate to all of her content and apply the learnings to their lives immediately.

We really look forward to working with Amber in the future!”

Jess Kraushar, Regional Manager Queensland, lululemon athletica


“Amber's work with students and teachers through Calm Mind Project is nothing short of transformational. The necessity of Calm Mind Project has never been more urgent for the whole ecosystem of humans that influence a child's life. What Amber has created should be core learning for anyone who seeks to empower themselves and others to be awake and alive in their life.”



“I was lucky enough to work with Amber at the recent Lululemon Retreat. It was like she held up a mirror and made me aware of the self talk and the habitual behaviours I was engaging in that were holding me back. It gave me the green light to accept things that I’d spent so long fighting or criticising myself for. I was spending so much time worrying about the past or future and was not engaging in the present!

I always thought I was not the “type of person” who does meditation. How wrong I was! We are ALL the type of people who NEED meditation. But for me it was more than realising this, it was giving myself the permission that I am worthy of taking the time to meditate and meditation is just as important as dedicating time to answering emails or giving to clients. When I fill my own cup up I have more to give to everyone around me.

Since working with Amber I am a better businessman, husband and friend. What Amber taught me at the retreat was life changing. Not because she tried to improve me but rather taught me to accept myself and for me that was a life changing experience.”

Anthony Bartolo - Owner of ACTV Fitness Gold Coast

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“I recently attended a workshop led by Amber at a lululemon ambassador retreat. Having been at lululemon for 6 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to attend many personal development workshops. Amber was unique amongst those that I’ve experienced before. She is engaging, funny as hell and calls you on your bs. Her work is relevant and meaningful .From her session I’ve accessed new mindful ways that have supported me in sitting with uncomfortable emotions and embracing “the suck” when needed. Three hours with her was an amazing rollercoaster – one minute I was exploring the depths of my emotions, the next I had tears rolling down my face from laughing, to then sitting in stillness exploring opening my heart through meditation. If you get the opportunity to work with Amber, grab it with both hands! You will cherish every teachable moment you spend with her.”

Kate Page, Regional Training Manager – East & North Region