What is Calm Mind Project?

Calm Mind Project addresses the foundations of inner connection, emotional intelligence and purposeful living by teaching mindfulness, meditation and self awareness.

Calm Mind Project is a collection of events, workshops, festivals, and both in person and online programs for schools, everyday people and conscious business. All our work is aimed at assisting people to build mental and emotional resilience, self awareness and inspiration for life.

The skills use a sense combination of eastern and western philosophy including human behavioural psychology, re-patterning therapies, meditation, mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming. Oh, and humour.

The founder, Amber Hawken, founded Calm Mind Project with the intention to provide trainings and resources for children, adolescence and their surrounding models (teachers and parents) to raise their conscious self awareness in a down to earth and simple manner.

We aim to normalise practices of self awareness and connection in school systems whilst raising the equity to build an establishment that is an education alternative environment; One that prioritises empowering children, in addition to intellectual education, and incorporates how to choose an aligned path in life, cultivating and encouraging a life that honours their individuality, imagination, flow and creative playfulness as well as life skills (relationships, finance, eco-friendly living, etc). The overall goal is to raise consciousness for the betterment of our individual and collective future.

Team Mates

We have a small and powerful team of dreamers, doers, innovators, forward thinkers and big-hearted entrepreneurs. 


For everyday beings, especially our little ones who are ready to simplify and calm their mind to bring joy and purpose to life with ease and flow. Here is to your future being a bright, open and inspiring life to exist in, because your inner world is calm, empowered and connected.


Life long skills. That’s it.

Everything we teach is about the experience of palpable relief from emotional stress and mental noise, lifetime prevention of associated mental stress, and emotional and long term results of a deep sense of connection and fulfilment.

Simplicity and fun is the next priority. You can’t apply anything you don't remember. The best life skills we have are the inhalation and exhalation of air, one foot placed in front of the other and curving the edges of our mouth up into a magnificent half moon. Application is preceded by embodiment, and embodiment is preceded by emotional connection, and emotional connection is preceded by engagement. The more simple and the more engagement the better. Fun is the gateway drug to an empowered mind, calm emotions and inspired spirit.

Why Do We Exist in Schools?

From the founder, Amber Hawken:

“The purpose of CMP is quite simple, really. Three main reasons: Children are our future, our teachers deserve more support and I love teaching people how to navigate this human rollercoaster. It's my oxygen watching some realise they are in charge of their mind and emotions.

There are thousands, if not millions of books, programs, events, courses, mentors, coaching, behavioural experts, counsellors and psychologists assisting adults through struggling times or helping them excel in their life. Amazing. Now let’s introduce the most pure beings to the same resources and give them what as adults, we often regret not having understood our entire lives.

Aside from the whole, ‘They’re our future’, they are freaking fantastic beings. Yeah, I know, they’re grubby, and dirty, and moody, and sometimes rude and terribly behaved. I am the second eldest of seven, I understand, but all in all, they’re open, bright and rather pure. Adults are tough, we have a build up of life conditioning, resistance to learning something new or baggage to let go of before we can apply new tools, techniques and absorb wisdom.

I’ve been working with adults for almost a decade helping them work through their mind, emotions, trauma, fears and sabotages. I’ve stood on stages around Australia speaking about life purpose, emotional intelligence and holistic wellbeing. I’ve studied Medical Science at university and I treated cancer for a few years before diving into human psychology, psychotherapy and spiritual philosophy. To say it's an honour to launch Calm Mind Project and introduce the most powerful and foundational techniques that unpin human success on a mental, spiritual, physical and emotional level, is an understatement.

My intention with CMP is to bring life changing skills to our students and better empower our teachers to enhance their lives. Together we are creating a calm and mindful environment not just within our schools, but within the home, within families and communities, and playing a role in contributing towards a more mindful, compassionate and kind world for us all."

want to find out how we can help your school? CHECK OUT OUR SCHOOL PROGRAMS OR get in touch here.